
3 Food engineer jobs in Flawil found

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Senior Quotation Engineer

Bühler AG

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Rating submitted
20/04/2024 100% Permanent position
Work at Bühler AG
Bühler AG
Senior Quotation Engineer
Senior Quotation Engineer

Location Uzwil

permanent, 100%

Start: Upon agreement

From animal feed to pasta and Asian noodles, plant-based protein products to cereals and snacks; the innovative process solutions from our Value Nutrition business area can be found everywhere.

Who we are
Bühler as an employer

We are working to create sustainable innovations for a better world. Our aim is to transform the world’s most pressing food and mobility challenges into sustainable technologies, process solutions and business models. At Bühler, you are empowered to show initiative and take responsibility. In our family-owned company, personal success goes hand in hand with shared success. We foster a diverse and inclusive workplace where integrity and courage are key drivers of our success. We support your personal development because we want you to make a difference. By joining Bühler, you will be helping us tackle global challenges while at the same time meeting the needs of our customers.

Questions? We’re happy to help!

Alex Eger
HR Manager

Gupfenstrasse 5
9240 Uzwil


Bühler AG

About the company

5,0 (2 reviews)


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