
11 Primary school teacher jobs in Genf found

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Primary English Teacher

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25/04/2024 70% Permanent position
Ecole La Découverte SA

La Découverte is a bilingual French-English primary school using active teaching methods and has approximately 230 students. It is located in the Sécheron district of Geneva, next to the United Nations, and many other international organisations. The school welcomes families from Switzerland and from all over the world.

Primary English Teacher

La Découverte school is looking for a 70% Primary English Teacher fromSeptember 2024 (CDI). The candidate must be a native English speaker.

At La Découverte the children spend half the week with a French-speaking teacher and the other half with an English-speaking teacher. Teachers are required to work closely with their partner teacher. The child's voice is highly valued at La Découverte, and we give priority to socially constructed knowledge. The successful candidate will have a passion for active teaching and learning methods, and a desire to listen to and work closely with children to build the life of the classroom and school.

Start date: 19 August 2024


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Genève / Mies-Tannay


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