
31 Dispatcher jobs in Nidau found

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Product Inspection Operator

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Rating submitted
18/04/2024 100% Temporary (short-term)
Vous êtes à la recherche d’un nouveau challenge ?

ValJob, active depuis 1995 dans le placement et les services en Ressources Humaines, est une société suisse leader, reconnue et appréciée pour la qualité de ses services et la haute performance de ses collaborateurs.
Nous recherchons pour l’un de nos clients le profil suivant :
Product Inspection Operator

Multiple tasks within the Quality Control Team
Carrying out product inspections
incoming Inspection and release of raw materials
Manage disposition and destruction of expired products and non-conformance products
Cooperation inarchiving quality documents
Support and cooperation in other quality-relevant tasks
Temporary 6-12 months


Several years of professional experience in the field of quality control (medical or pharmaceutical)
Very good knowledge of English and German or/and French (oral and written)
Very good PC skills (MS Office)
Flexible, resilient and team player personality
Quality-conscious, organised and reliable way of working


Manuel Miserez


About the company

5,0 (2 reviews)


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