
1 Physicien emplois à Allschwil trouvés

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S'abonner aux nouveaux emplois Physicien à Allschwil


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Mechanical Engineer

Avis soumis
01/04/2024 100% Contrat fixe
Travailler chez Prime21
Mechanical Engineer
Für unseren Kunden sind wir auf der Suche nach einem neuen Teammitglied!
Ihre Aufgaben
  • Develop technical implementation concepts by yourself or with our partners, construct high-quality CAD models, and maintain all relevant documentation for each project
  • Communicate progress, change of specification, and challenges during the project roadmap to customers
  • Supervise the set-up and conduct the initial operations of customized system
Unsere Anforderungen
You are a mechanical engineer / robotics engineer, or a physicist with CAD and machine building experience. You hold a master's degree and ideally have 5+ years of experience with the design and construction of large, precision apparatus in industry. You are familiar with different drive and control technologies as well as sensor technologies. Your solid communication skills allow you to manage internal and external teams and to effectively communicate with our customers. German is an advantage, English a must.
Ihre Perspektiven
A place where we value your experience and competence. We offer support for your personal and technical growth as an employee. We have flexible working terms depending on your needs. We organize social events on a regular basis for its employees to foster a good relationship between all its employees and across all Nanosurf organizations.

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