
77 Process engineer jobs in Dübendorf found

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Metallurgist / Process Engineer (m/f/d)

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Rating submitted
03/04/2024 100% Permanent position
SMS Concast AG
Metallurgist / Process Engineer (m/f/d)

Reporting to the Head of Metallurgy & Process Continuous Casting, you will on the one hand be working in our office in Zurich where you will be responsible for technical support of sales projects and support of engineering projects under execution. You will generate and consolidate knowhow based on performances of our casters during and after hot commissioning. Additionally you will work with and further develop our process simulation tools (FEM, CFD, thermodynamic calculations) to deepen our knowledge of the metallurgical process. On the other hand, you will act as a supervisor of performance and functionality tests of continuous casters on sites worldwide to assure guaranteed quality, productivity and reliability. Your duties on site will include responsibility for metallurgical and process aspects in close cooperation with mechanical, electrical and automation teams during cold and hot commissioning of continuous casters. In order to successfully do your job, you will be the customers contact person for any metallurgical issues before and after the project completion.

In order to fill this interesting and highly varied position, we are looking for candidates who have a degree in metallurgy, mechanical or process engineering or material sciences (at a university or university of applied sciences) or have a comparable degree, and who have ideally gained experience in steel melting, refining or casting. Knowledge in secondary metallurgy would be desirable. This role will require you to be able to work in a team and will require good communication skills, stamina and excellent organizational skills. Professional proficiency in using MS Office is also essential for this position, as are fluency in English and a willingness to undertake international travel (approx. 40-60%).

Interested? Then we look forward to hearing from you.


SMS Concast AG
Tödistrasse 9
8027 Zürich

About the company

Zürich / CH-8002 Zürich / Marthalen


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