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Sales Specialist - Low temperature Sterilization equipment


Renens VD
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Rating submitted
11/09/2024 80% - 100% Permanent position

SteriLux was founded in 2014 with the ambition of transforming the way healthcare professionals address infection control.

SteriLux has patented and developed an innovative low-temperature sterilization process for terminal sterilization of metal and thermo-sensitive medical devices. The environmentally-friendly process relies on the use of ultraviolet radiation to activate oxygen from the air into ozone.

SteriLux SA has patented, developed, and is commercializing the SterOx System products for the veterinary market. Our product has been sold in more than 20 countries. To open new market segments as well as new market opportunities we are hiring a

Sales Specialist - Low temperature Sterilization equipment

You have 3-5 years of Sales experience or more in the Medical Device and/or Veterinary industry in Europe.

You know how to identify and quickly qualify prospect clients with good potential. You love sales and follow-up on sales opportunities throughout the entire sales cycle efficiently. You are an active listener and the product alone is only a part of your Value Proposition to the client.

You understand your client’s stakeholders’ landscape and how you can serve their interests best to obtain their support. You negotiate and close deals by engaging the necessary company resources to achieve your objectives.

In your current or previous position, you were ideally selling medical devices to Veterinary clinics (or reasonably close to) and have acquired an acute understanding of the market and the needs of your clients.

You are a fast learner able to understand new technologies and processes quickly. You have experience in preparing and pitching product presentations. You enjoy participating in marketing and sales events and you like interacting with potential leads.

Besides acquiring new clients, you know how to keep customers in a long-term relationship and are recognized for your capacity in making sure the customer is happy.

You understand the value of collaboration and you excel in using Sales Force Automation and ERP tools to communicate and share information efficiently with your colleagues.

You are used to modern Management by Objectives and you can analyze your sales pipeline to project and maximise your sales targetswhile ensuring you also attain your objectives related to your prospecting and preparation activities. You are used to weekly and monthly meetings where you are particularly efficient in communicating with the management.

You are perfectly fluent in french and in english and you work using both languages indifferently. You offer additional language skills (German or Russian are highly desired). You have a valid driving licence and you are used to optimizing travel time and flexibility using the car and public transport.

If you feel this job fits you perfectly, we suggest you apply by filling the application form linked to the QR code on the right.

We expect a convincing motivation letter and resume, in english or french. Link to form :


Place of work

Chemin du Closel 5

1020 Renens VD


Marc Spaltenstein

021 546 43 33

About the company

Prilly / Renens VD


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