
16 Service employee jobs in Versoix found

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Employee in Air Navigation Services (ANSE) - Communication Center Operator

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Rating submitted
19/04/2024 80% - 100% Permanent position

Skyguide provides air navigation services in Switzerland and parts of neighbouring countries. With around 1500 employees from more than 30 nations, we are pursuing an ambitious innovation strategy that is based on a strong safety and learning culture. We are guided by four values: "We team up to succeed", "We drive innovation", "We own what we do" and, finally, "We create great customer value".
Are you interested in finding out more? We want you to join us as a/an ...

Employee in Air Navigation Services (ANSE) - Communication Center Operator
Your Responsibilities:

You're interested in aviation jobs? We recruit and train operators to strengthen our Communication Center team in Geneva. You will be in charge of the following tasks :

  • Manage the Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) performed by the AFTN/AMHS networks while ensuring reception, transmission and relay of aeronautical messages
  • Provide broadcast and alerting services for a variety of airports in Switzerland
  • Interact with Air Traffic Control, the Swiss Airforces, airlines, pilots, airport authorities and many other stakeholders

Your Profile:

  • Matura or completed commercial/technical vocational training
  • Good command of French & English (B2 level)
  • First work experience in the aviation sector, preferably in the area of operation (24/7) would be an advantage
  • Team player with analytical and logical thinking skills and sense of responsibility
  • Ability to maintain calm and overview in challenging situations and to perform flawless work
  • High customer orientation
  • Willingness to work irregular hours (24/7)
  • Willingness to participate in the ANSE Basic Course (5 weeks, partly on-site in Dübendorf) and in the internal trainings
  • IT affinity to work in a computerized environment.

Location: Geneva
Work percentage: 80-100%
When: 01. Septembre 2023


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