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Professorship for Reproductive Medicine / Gynaecological Endocrinology

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03/09/2024 100% Permanent position
Universität Basel
Professorship for Reproductive Medicine / Gynaecological Endocrinology
The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Basel and the University Hospital Basel (USB) are looking for a Professor of Reproductive Medicine / Gynaecological Endocrinology and head of the Unit of Reproductive Medicine / Gynaecological Endocrinology (RME) of the Women's Clinic of the USB from 1st July 2025 or by agreement.
Your position
You will head the Unit of Reproductive Medicine / Gynaecological Endocrinology with its own medical and laboratory team. You will be involved in extensive teaching activities on the topics of reproduction and gynaecological endocrinology. You are the leader of a research group and conduct independent, interdisciplinary, outstanding research in the field of reproductive medicine, including gynaecological endocrinology, which may be clinical, translational or basic research.
Your profile
You have excellent clinical knowledge and many years of experience in reproductive medicine and gynaecological endocrinology. You have a specialist qualification in gynaecology and obstetrics and a specialisation in reproductive medicine / gynaecological endocrinology (or equivalent). You have a habilitation or an equivalent academic qualification. You can demonstrate several years of excellent interdisciplinary research that can be integrated into the strategic research areas of the Faculty of Medicine and the University of Basel. As the main applicant, you have successfully and competitively acquired third-party funding at Swiss National Science Foundation level or equivalent. You have several years of leadership experience and your leadership style is participative and transformative. You create an attractive working environment, inspire creative thinking and action and support your employees. You are a communicative, integrative personality with a profound interest in interdisciplinary and interprofessional collaboration. You have very good language skills in German and good language skills in English. Knowledge of French is also desirable.
We offer you
  • A challenging and varied job in a university and clinical environment
  • An innovative, interdisciplinary and open research environment
  • A responsible leadership role with a great deal of independence
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration in a future-oriented organisation
  • Attractive employment conditions
  • Attractive start-up package and facilities for teaching and research

The University of Basel and the University Hospital Basel stand for excellence through diversity and are committed to equal opportunities and family friendliness. In its endeavours to increase the proportion of female professors, the University is particularly interested in qualified applications from women.
Application / Contact

The Chair of the Appointments Committee, Prof. Sven Schulzke (phone: +41 61 556 54 86; e-mail: Write an email) and the Academic Coordinator for Appointments, Dr. Simone Neu (phone: +41 61 207 61 64; email: Write an email) will be happy to provide further information. 
Applications must be submitted by October 2nd 2024. We kindly ask you to apply only via the online application platform and as described in the application guidelines.
Universität Basel
4056 Basel

Place of work

4056 Basel

About the company

5,0 (2 reviews)


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