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Relationship Manager Private Banking Czech Republic

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Rating submitted
30/04/2024 80% - 100% Permanent position
Work at Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG
Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG
Relationship Manager Private Banking Czech Republic
Your role:
  • You aim for new banking clients as well as new assets in the segment of Private Banking, and you are willing to deliver an ambitious business case
  • You are the main contact for all financial needs and proactively provide holistic advice to your clients on all topics related to asset management
  • You collaborate closely with LLB's highly qualified specialist teams to offer tailored solutions
  • You primarily aim at adding value for your clients. LLB Group's extremely high stability and security helps to do so
  • You live LLB's values and focus your activities on long-term, sustainable customer loyalty

Your background:
  • Education in Banking or Economics
  • Experience in Private Banking, ideally in Offshore services or in an international franchise
  • In-depth knowledge of banking products, especially in advisory services
  • Self-established private banking client book as well as distinctive network in the Czech market
  • Business plan, through which your network and your potential client pipeline are comprehensible in detail
  • Czech and English language required, German of advantage

Your way of working:
  • Engaging personality with strong communication and social skills
  • Your way of thinking and acting is based on integrity, honesty and ethics
  • Entrepreneurial, proactive and motivated attitude
  • Respectful and helpful team player
  • Willingness to travel 

Your colleagues:
In our small and family-like team every single team member counts. You will not find any culture of elbowing, rather an open, uncomplicated cooperation and mutual support of each other, which allows you full entrepreneurial development.
Our Central Eastern European market is one of the most important strategic growth initiatives of our Private Banking division. With our extraordinary stability, high quality of services and products, surpassing performance and fair pricing, our value proposition attracts a high level of interest from clients and prospects alike. On top, our small size allows flexibility and dynamic - also regarding your perspective.
Ready to join us?
Here you can find out more about us as an employer and Michael Verling (+423 236 85 27) from the HR team will be happy to answer your questions.


Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG

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