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R&D Intern CO2-Sensors

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Rating submitted
03/04/2024 100%
Sensirion AG
R&D Intern CO2-Sensors

R&D Intern CO2-Sensors




Area of activity

Research & development




Stäfa, Switzerland

Become part of our team for 6 months and support us from around September 2024.

This is Sensirion

Sensirion is one of the world's leading developers and manufacturers of environmental and flow sensors that improve efficiency, health, safety and comfort in automotive, industrial, medical and consumer electronics applications. sensirion.com

Our culture

Sensirion embodies the same start-up spirit it has had from the very beginning, while still offering you stability and security as a market leader with around 1,000 employees.

What you move

  • Development of the smallest and cost-effective CO2 sensors for indoor air quality on the market
  • Planning of experiments, characterization of prototypes and testing of different design approaches
  • Evaluation of large data sets, interpretation of findings and discussion in the project team
  • Setting up the infrastructure for smooth laboratory processes

What awaits you

  • Structured start into the world of microsensor technology, electronics, gas sensors & data analysis
  • Project that brings you into contact with different technologies and people at Sensirion
  • Interdisciplinary team of enthusiastic engineers
  • Lively community of interns from different departments

What you bring along

  • BSc or MSc in the field of physics or engineering
  • Programming skills in Python or similar programming language and experience with data analysis
  • Ability and enjoyment of experimental work and fascination for microsystems
  • Good knowledge of German and English

Your benefits

  • Together, we make the world better. Contribute your ideas, make a difference and take responsibility.
  • Sensirion makes contributions to your pension scheme that are well above the statutory minimum.
  • Depending on the position, you have the option of working from home.
  • Do you travel to work by train or bus? At Sensirion, you benefit from generous season ticket discounts.
  • During your internship, you will learn a lot for your future career and become an expert in your field.
  • Monthly intern meet-ups, social events and sports activities for a great team spirit.

Your Contact

Katja Saxer +41 44 927 14 23

Sensirion AG
Laubisrütistrasse 50
8712 Stäfa, Switzerland


Sensirion AG

About the company

5,0 (2 reviews)


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