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Training Coordinator

Randstad (Schweiz) AG

Region Mittelland (AG/SO)
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Rating submitted
26/03/2024 100% Temporary (short-term)
Randstad (Schweiz) AG
Training Coordinator

You are a person who loves to communicate with different people with the capacity to identify the training requirements for departments and individuals within the organization. As a training coordinator, your responsibilities include the development, management, and coordination of education sessions and programs.?

  • you will be responsible to maintain, update and assess Learning Plans and contents for all Employees and Non-Employees of the Manufacturing Department.
  • you will be the first and single point of contact for all Employees and Non-Employees( Externals ) of the Manufacturing Department about all training related topics.
  • you will act as SME of all Training related topics and be the liaison with PO&T Learning Team.
  • you will act as a member of the Training Network and will be the liaison with other members of the Training Network.
  • you will be responsible to develop and maintain KPIs.
Language: English.

Thank you for your application.
Rodin Ak


Randstad (Schweiz) AG

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