Clinical cytogenomic scientist 100%
- Analysis and checking of G-banded chromosomes, FISH, SNP-microarray (CytoScan HD and OncoScan)
- Generation and validation of oncodiagnostic reports mostly based on the methods mentioned above (also NGS)
- Interactions and communication with other members of clinical institutions eg in the setting of interdisciplinary tumor boards
- Performance of external quality assessments
- Somatic NGS and PCR-MRD (can be learned on the job)
- Performance of external quality assessments
- Education as scientists (or physicians) with experience in cytogenomics and oncodiagnostics
- Experience in cytogenetics and broad knowledge on hematooncology of advantage
- Board certification as clinical cytogeneticist, i.e. FAMH, FachhumangenetikerIn of the GfH, PCCC, ABMG etc favoured
- German knowledge of advantage however not mandatory
- Reliability, flexibility and motivation to work in an international team
Oncology Laboratory
Phone +41 44 266 32 79
Steinwiesstrasse 75
8032 Zürich
Steinwiesstrasse 75
8032 Zürich